Here you can find both!
Welcome to the newly updated ooh noo blog! We’re looking forward to sharing with you exciting inspiration and ideas about the products in our collection as well as the ones that we love most from other brands and designers.

As you might expect, we’ll definitely spend a lot of time writing about our bedding. We plan to highlight some of the different looks you can achieve when styling your child’s nursery or bedroom as well as different looks for your adult bedroom. You’ll get to see ideas not only from our team of stylists but also from some of our favourite bloggers and interior stylists on social media who have chosen our bedding.

Our bedding posts will focus on different types of room, with inspiration for boys and girls as well as unisex. For our first post in our bedding series, we’ve focused on the newborn and baby bedding and blankets. Stay tuned for further posts, when we’ll look at toddler rooms and ‘tween rooms as well as how our bedding patterns can be used in different rooms and look great no matter the style or age of the room’s inhabitant.
Is there a particular space or bedding pattern you’d like to read about? Tell us in the comments below.